Green Enterprise

About us

Our work to date

Green Enterprise Group is a tech company whose mission is to accelerate the delivery of sustainable agriculture tools, services, and technologies to smallholder farmers. is to give everyone the chance to change the world, by helping any business go green. We are creating 1M entry-level green jobs by 2025. At the heart of our work is an AI-driven contract and workflow automation platform called Opus™. We are currently operational in London and Nairobi and are specialising in Agriculture and Law. To join our waitlist or get in touch, write to Contact@GreenEnterprise.Group

We began operations in Kenya in August, 2022. In November, a team conducted field trials in Makueni County. In March we completed a proof of concept with the Kenyan Agriculture Insurance Programme (Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries) in Machakos County.

Our Team

CEO | Leonard Alf |

CTO | Liam Clark Gutiérrez |

Programme Manager | Felix Atamba |

Legal Council | Lara Geller |

Strategic Advisor | Debisi Araba